Ernesto A. Longa

Faculty Research & Special Collections
(505) 277-6796
Office 1326
longa [at]
B.A. 2002, University of Florida
J.D. 2005, St. Thomas University
M.L.I.S. with a Special Certificate in Law Librarianship 2007, University of Washington
Ernesto Longa provides faculty research support including empirical support for both quantitative and qualitative research projects. Additionally, he teaches Legal Research, provides reference, and oversees the library special collections and Law School archives.
In 2007, he received the Earl Borgeson Research in Law Librarianship Award for his research on America's First Jim Crow Law School Library and Staff.
Before coming to UNM, he worked as a graduate assistant at the University of Washington, Marian Gould Gallagher Law Library, and at the law firm of Greenberg Traurig in Miami.
Community Engagement
American Association of Law Libraries (AALL)
Southwestern Association of Law Libraries (SWALL)
UNMSOL Faculty Retention, Promotion, and Tenure Committee
UNMSOL Honors and Awards Committee
Publications & Contributions
Popular Freethought: A Guide to the Periodic Writings of American Infidels, 1825-1965
Books & Book Chapters
Black Courts, in Florida's Other Courts: Unconventional Justice in the Sunshine State (University Press of Florida, 2018).
Anarchist Periodicals in English Published in the United States (1833-1955): An Annotated Guide (Scarecrow Press, 2010).
Academic & Professional Journals
The History of the University of New Mexico School of Law Librarian's Fight for Faculty Status and Equal Voting Rights, 110 L. Libr. J. 93 (2018).
High Interest Loans and Class: Do Payday and Title Loans Really Serve the Middle Class?, 24 Loy. Consumer L. Rev. 524 (2012). Co-authored with Nathalie Martin.
Why Mortgage "Formalities" Matter, Loy. Consumer L. Rev. (2012). Co-authored with David A. Dana.
A History of America's First Jim Crow Law School Library and Staff, 7 Conn. Pub. Int. L. J. 77 (2007).
Lawson Edward Thomas and Miami's Negro Municipal Court, 18 St. Thomas L. Rev. 125 (2005).