Instructional Support
Click on a support tool to learn more and find support contacts.
The Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI) lessons, multimedia computer exercises designed to enhance class teaching, add an element of interactivity to traditional classroom education. Approximately 300 CALI lessons are available, covering a large topical array. Registration instructions are located on the law school intranet. For further assistance, consult the CALI FAQ page.
Canvas @ UNM
UNM licenses and supports the Canvas Learning Management System. See the list of options for UNM Canvas training and support.
Westlaw TWEN and Lexis Classroom
The Law School's subscriptions to Westlaw and Lexis include access to those products' course management systems: Westlaw TWEN and Lexis Classroom.
Access: All faculty and students have access to TWEN and Classroom via the database passwords they already use. Students who have taken ELA have used at least one of the two systems and many faculty are already familiar with them.
Uses of TWEN and Classroom:
- Share course materials. Post, access, and manage the syllabus, handouts, Powerpoints, and multimedia resources.
- Communicate. Use announcements, appointment scheduling, discussion forums, live chat sessions (text only), assignment submissions, and grading. All of this plus reminders and notifications can be pushed to instructors and students via email.
- Create, administer, and grade quizzes/surveys.
Westlaw TWEN
- User Support Line: 1-800-850-9378
- Tutorials and User Guides
- Account rep: Aden Luckett
- User Support Line: 1-800-455-3947
- Faculty Quick Start Video
- Instructor Training Guide
- Account rep: Oscar Cobos
Faculty Support Team
- Cheryl Burbank, 277-0609
UNM JD students are required to take the one credit hour Introduction to Legal Research the second semester of their first year and the two credit hour Applied Legal Research as 2Ls. In addition, librarians are happy to provide one-on-one assistance to your students with their research for seminars, drafting classes, Clinics, and other law school courses.
Please advise students to use the librarians! Research demonstrates that when a professor tells their class that the librarians can help them (find a paper topic, create a research plan, locate resources, etc), the number of students who seek assistance increases dramatically, and the final product the student produces improves.
The Library’s course reserve service makes course materials readily available to students with a two hour checkout period.
Faculty members are encouraged to place material on reserve as early before the beginning of the semester as possible. Items will be removed at the end of the designated semester and all personal materials returned unless other instructions are provided.
To add material to course reserves Contact the Library.
Fair Use
The fair use doctrine of U.S. copyright law allows limited copying of copyrighted works without the permission of the owner for certain purposes, including teaching and research. Use this Fair Use Checklist to help determine whether items you want reproduced fall within Fair Use. If they do, your next step is to have the Copy Center scan the relevant portions of the work so that you can distribute it via your course site or have them photocopy it so it can be put on reserve and checked out from the library. If you determine that you need permission to use the material, ask Faculty Support to contact the publisher and request permission to use it in your class.
Law faculty members frequently release past examinations. In addition to providing an historical record, students find these documents useful when preparing for current exams. Exams from 2004-current are exclusively electronic, 1999-2004 are available in both print and electronic versions, and 1982-2004 are available in print only.
The online exam archive is located on the law school intranet, the print is located on the lower floor of the Library at call number KF292.U54 A2.
To add material to the archive Contact the Library, but be cautious because released essay questions cannot be reused.
iThenticate is available to UNM faculty and staff free of charge. UNM dos not have a subscription to Turnitin.
The Library creates and maintains electronic research guides on selected topics. New guides are created as time permits.